Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A sharp idea...

I just ran across this sharpening tutorial on photojojo.

If you don't think about sharpening your images yet, you really should read this tutorial.
Personally, we often use Kevin Kubota's Magic Sharp action, as well as a combination of high-pass overlays.

Check out the tutorial here. http://photojojo.com/content/tutorials/photoshop-sharpening/

do some follow up reading with ron bigelow's tutorials here. :-) http://ronbigelow.com/articles/sharpen3/sharpen3.htm

Happy sharpening.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Site of the day

In my job, My Fuji S5 camera is my first love, and Adobe Photoshop may well be my second (it's a bit of a tie right now with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom--both programs are indespensible to me in my work). I'm constantly amazed at the complexity and power of the program, and know that in my work I'm only scratching the surface of it's potential.

As there are about 6-10 different ways to approach any job within Photoshop, I'm always on the look out for more training materials and good books on the program.
I was just turned on to a fantastic skin retouching tutorial here http://www.christyschuler.com/retouching.html
Christy Schuler has created a very informative video on skin retouching--while still retaining the skin texture of the model. The end result is a very realistic look that could grace the cover of any of the best fashion and glamour magazines. I highly encourage you to check it out.

A good book to continue learning about editing portraits in photoshop is the fantastic skin book by Lee Varis.
A photoshop master, Lee talks about the image from capture to final edit, and gives solid fundamentals along with tips to bring out the best of any skin.
Happy editing.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

So you want to be a photographer...

So you love photography, maybe you even have a swanky new camera, or a fun old camera.
Maybe you're just drooling over the thought of a new camera... but don't really know where to start.

Perhaps you already have the basics down, and you want to take it to the next level.

This blog is here to help.

As we're able--we'll share some of the tips and tricks, as well as the basics--that keep us moving and having so much fun at our job!

Check back for more information!